I'm tired. *yawn*
I don't really sleep well at night anymore...maybe a couple hours during the day, but that's about it.
On the brightside though, because of some of the people I've met on this site, I have a new found desire to pick back up on my writing again. I've had writer's block for what seems like ages and I can finally write again after some unexpected inspiration.
I finally got my digital camera back from the friend I lent it to. That was nice. Took her forever to get around to actually returning it to me....Yay, New Pictures!
My dad had another heartattack last night
I didn't find out until this morning because "he didn't want to worry me". Most of the time, we have an incredibly open and honest relationship....and then he has some sort of a health problem and refuses to tell me anything
He's not great but he's doing alright. This is his third one. Unfortunately, these sort of things run in my family.
And I know that most of you won't care but saturday I'll be in attendance at theMasque to celebrate my friend, JIll's, 20th birthday. If I happen to bump into some sg people that would really brighten my evening
Just thought I'd put that out there
p.s. sorry if that was all incoherent babbling...lack of sleep does that to me sometimes
I don't really sleep well at night anymore...maybe a couple hours during the day, but that's about it.
On the brightside though, because of some of the people I've met on this site, I have a new found desire to pick back up on my writing again. I've had writer's block for what seems like ages and I can finally write again after some unexpected inspiration.
I finally got my digital camera back from the friend I lent it to. That was nice. Took her forever to get around to actually returning it to me....Yay, New Pictures!
My dad had another heartattack last night

And I know that most of you won't care but saturday I'll be in attendance at theMasque to celebrate my friend, JIll's, 20th birthday. If I happen to bump into some sg people that would really brighten my evening

p.s. sorry if that was all incoherent babbling...lack of sleep does that to me sometimes

Sorry about the bad news. Good to see you've foun dinspiration. I look forward to reading more of you 

Sleep deprivation can often prove quite the tool for creative writing.