I started my new job. I stand around for 8 hours making elaborate bows out of ribbon and watering flowers. I do this 3-6 days every week, for 7 dollars an hour. I'm loving it. The only downside is that my boyfriend is now working third shift (specifically 11:30-5:00) every night so anytime I do see him, he's asleep. ugh. Plus he gets weekends off and I usually get wednesday and thursday off. *shrugs* It could always be worse though. I might even start giving cooking lessons to one of my friends on my days off to make a little extra money. So I'll be getting paid to do two things I really, really enjoy. Life isn't hating me right now which is nice.
I have some new pics btw.
Just thought you'd like to know
I have some new pics btw.
Just thought you'd like to know

congrats on the new job! and since you have thursdays off, you should come to SG Havana on the 21st in columbus, its gonna be a blast! lots of people are going, even some cincy friends are coming out!