It's a Friday night and instead of being out with my friends, I sit at home aimlessly prowling the message boards here at SG.
I'm quite bored (no offense, because I really do love this website and all its viewers
) I just wish I had something to do outside of my home.
Its been quite some time since I hung out with my friends and even longer since I had a chance to go out and get messed up...become intoxicated, let my hair down, and just laugh for a while. le sigh.
Plus my boyfriend is at work until after midnight this evening= no sex for muah....just me and mr. pink, my beloved vibe.
Oh well, things could always be worse...I could be going thru what my friend victor did last spring. (see below)
I'm quite bored (no offense, because I really do love this website and all its viewers

Its been quite some time since I hung out with my friends and even longer since I had a chance to go out and get messed up...become intoxicated, let my hair down, and just laugh for a while. le sigh.
Plus my boyfriend is at work until after midnight this evening= no sex for muah....just me and mr. pink, my beloved vibe.
Oh well, things could always be worse...I could be going thru what my friend victor did last spring. (see below)
Mr. Pink? That reminds me of Reservoir Dogs. Does it look like Steve Buscemi?

hello thank you for mt testamonial how are you?