I have only a couple months left of my high school hell and due to snow, I haven't been there in almost a week. The odd thing is that I actually am finding myself missing it. I'd much rather write, have sex, or party usually, rather than be trapped in a school of ignorant counterparts and associates...but lately, I do miss the enviroment of it all. Maybe it's really just the business and chaos of it all. I do love chaos and more often than not I'm the center of things at school...anyone who knows me could easily tell you how much I love attention
I am bored with this small town dullness tho. I'm ready to be out in the world more...get to know more people. Ugh, I can't wait to hit 21 rather than this dull 18...I've hit a rut of dullness, can any of you pull me out?

I am bored with this small town dullness tho. I'm ready to be out in the world more...get to know more people. Ugh, I can't wait to hit 21 rather than this dull 18...I've hit a rut of dullness, can any of you pull me out?
Hello there, and welcome to the land of SG. The silliness boards help a lot.

Just doing my part to pull you out of the rut, you are funny and nice to play tag with in the silliness boards.