So I'm sorta back...not full time like i used to be but i do have partial internet access now. Random info updates: I'm living in Hillsboro Ohio now with the love of my life trey. and....
I'M ENGAGED *squee*
other than that...i've missed you all horribly and i'm glad to know many of you have missed me back lol...i'll try and check in more of... Read More
I haven't consistently be online for over a month. My money is so tight now, that I had lost all access to a phone or internet for the last forty days. And after the last seven months of hell, I"m just now settling completely into my most recent home (moved three times since july of last year)> Its a small apartment with my boyfriend, which... Read More
Sorry you and your dad have not gotten things patched back up, I know all that must be hard on you since you were so close. Take the good things and hold them tight and work towards making everything right again.
I can't sleep so I wrote...its a story but isn't based up on anything real, dominantly the feelings I have right now and how I wish they could really be. *sighs* sorry for grammar or just shitty writing on this one. Its late/early lol
I don't really sleep well at night anymore...maybe a couple hours during the day, but that's about it.
On the brightside though, because of some of the people I've met on this site, I have a new found desire to pick back up on my writing again. I've had writer's block for what seems like ages and I can finally write again... Read More
I quit my job at 5:15 Sunday morning. I feel so incredible knowing that I never have to set foot there again...well, unless I want to buy flowers
My house finally got a new washer and more laundry mat. Thank God. It sucks ass sitting there for two hours around a bunch of creepy people (most laundry mats probably aren't that bad but here,... Read More
The last couple of weeks have been nothing short of complete shit.
Normally, I try and look upon my life with an optimistic twist and not dwell on the negatives that life can throw a person's way. But lately, I can't help feeling slightly deflated. In the last two weeks, two of my four favorite cats passed away. One was killed by my dog, Beast... Read More
Here in Ohio, its 4:56 in the morning...and I have been awake since 10 am yesturday...I can't sleep...I haven't had a good nights sleep in over a week. I think the insomnia I used to get so frequently is slowly coming back. ugh. As if dealing with a friend with a concussion and massive pms isn't a pain in the ass enough, lets add exhaustion.... Read More