well i visited NYC today. i posted a few pics for your viewing pleasure.
before arriving in new york city i had never seen a hasidic jew in person, only in a few movies. but today however i believe i saw nearly 50. they were eaither in large groups or individually escourting pretty women around parks.
so do they only live in the big apple? or have you seen them in your town as well?
before arriving in new york city i had never seen a hasidic jew in person, only in a few movies. but today however i believe i saw nearly 50. they were eaither in large groups or individually escourting pretty women around parks.

As pennance for a free vacation to NYC, you will now be forced to spend the next 5 days in NJ! :: insert evil laugh here :: BUUUAAHAHAHA!
We got Hasidic Jews in Dallas too. They like sticking to their little communities, so if you're not in their neighborhood, you probably won't see 'em.