aww thanks for the well wishes. you guys are super keen.
my birthday evening movie was super size me. i jokingly said "this movie is going to change my life" and i was right. not that i ever really eat mcdonalds ever but i do eat fast food 5+ times a week. and it made me think... if mcdonalds is this way...... THEN ALL THE OTHER FAST FOOD PLACES ARE JUST LIKE THIS!!!
then the bonus footage insued where the author of fast food nation nearly turned me vegetarian. after almost nearly getting sick
listening to the descriptions of some pretty nasty shit i saw the "break down test." i watched various mcdonalds menu items rot... except for the fries!! after 10 weeks the french fries looked like they were fresh from the heat lamp.
looks like i gotta learn to cook.

my birthday evening movie was super size me. i jokingly said "this movie is going to change my life" and i was right. not that i ever really eat mcdonalds ever but i do eat fast food 5+ times a week. and it made me think... if mcdonalds is this way...... THEN ALL THE OTHER FAST FOOD PLACES ARE JUST LIKE THIS!!!

then the bonus footage insued where the author of fast food nation nearly turned me vegetarian. after almost nearly getting sick

looks like i gotta learn to cook.
Thanks for your comment about my rejected SG set! I'm so glad you liked it! It took so long for them to accept/reject it, in the end I was just happy to be able to finally share it!!! 
