a cold front moved in last night and made it unseasonably cool today at 74 degrees with a light breeze. for some reason this weather takes me back to the good old days when the smashing pumkins were good and KDGE didn't suck.
i went into work and did a little of the old OT. i had planned on 4 hours but wussed out at 3. so now i'm back at home with a bottle of wine and some good tunes. i've discovered a decent live 365 radio station planet zeb that plays 80s 90s tracks i either love to death or forgot about a decade ago.
i don't have TV and i'm still waiting for new netflix in the mail so the rest of the day will probably consist of me getting drunk and dancing around the apartment in my socks and underwear. good times
recomendations for today include one of the most underrated albums of all time, blind melon's soup
lovers of fast food texmex in southern oklahoma and north texas need to head to taco bueno and grab some mexi dips and chips for 2 bucks.
i know bob and david hated it but i still laughed my ass off. your video rent for this week should be run ronnie run. some awsome cameos.
oh, and when you go to bed tonight please say a little prayer that arrested development gets to return for a second season. if you have no idea what i'm talking about then download it on eMule immedeately or let me know and i'll burn some and ship it to you.

i went into work and did a little of the old OT. i had planned on 4 hours but wussed out at 3. so now i'm back at home with a bottle of wine and some good tunes. i've discovered a decent live 365 radio station planet zeb that plays 80s 90s tracks i either love to death or forgot about a decade ago.
i don't have TV and i'm still waiting for new netflix in the mail so the rest of the day will probably consist of me getting drunk and dancing around the apartment in my socks and underwear. good times

recomendations for today include one of the most underrated albums of all time, blind melon's soup

lovers of fast food texmex in southern oklahoma and north texas need to head to taco bueno and grab some mexi dips and chips for 2 bucks.

i know bob and david hated it but i still laughed my ass off. your video rent for this week should be run ronnie run. some awsome cameos.

oh, and when you go to bed tonight please say a little prayer that arrested development gets to return for a second season. if you have no idea what i'm talking about then download it on eMule immedeately or let me know and i'll burn some and ship it to you.

thank you for the help though!