Parents leaving at 8:00 AM.
lots of art to do
made a new piece about religion/censorship for my art show
painted my nails white
watched lots of old tapes of myself and saw what a sillyhead I am.
bought jasmine insence for calming stuff
did my astrological birth chart and found out how scarily accurate it is. I almost peed myself
fixed up my new basement room and cleaned lots
sang into my kareoke machine
lotsa writing
helped my parents with laundry and readying for their big 2 week trip to Colorado/New Mexico
ps. me petting the cat at cutlers a long time ago

lots of art to do
made a new piece about religion/censorship for my art show
painted my nails white
watched lots of old tapes of myself and saw what a sillyhead I am.
bought jasmine insence for calming stuff
did my astrological birth chart and found out how scarily accurate it is. I almost peed myself
fixed up my new basement room and cleaned lots
sang into my kareoke machine
lotsa writing
helped my parents with laundry and readying for their big 2 week trip to Colorado/New Mexico
ps. me petting the cat at cutlers a long time ago

but i guess the wording makes a difference too. i can see what the astrologer wrote down is true in a lot of ways, but i would say it differently...geminis are good at that.
so what's your favorite thing that your birthchart says about you? leo, bling bling, flash flash
there's so much to choose from, but i'd have to say i have 2 favorites...
moon in pisces "sensitive, know what people think and feel before they do, fuel for your fantaisies, compassionate"
and neptune in saggitarius-"generational- this generation will find new ways to bring mystic teachings into mainstream of traditional religeons.
-you're keenly aware of your intuitive insights & introspections. you're willing to reconsider your basic beliefs & continually evaluate your innermost feelings."