So many things have occured in the last few months. I recieved my grades from last term at Southern and they are as follows:
Sexuality and Ethics in literature- A
Peer Counseling- A
Poetry- A
Algebra- C
So I am psyched about that. I took a philosophy course over the summer so i can finish college faster. I also got a new job at DMR (The Connecicut Department of Mental Retardation). It's a state job and well paid- $17.00/hr. My job consists of driving the van to take retarded individuals who are staying in our respite home to recreational activities in the community, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking dinner, writing notes and case studies of individuals, doing intake and the best part...changing adult and children's diapers...ewww. I am happy with the job so far.
I also recently heard from Tristan Taormino , editor of Best Lesbian Erotica and found out that my story, French Handwriting is in the running for the 2007 edition. I will know if it was officially accepted in a week or so but it was nice to talk to tristan on the phone. She liked my story and did some edits on it for me in hopes that the publisher will accept it. Accourding to her, it's in but the final say is the publisher so we'll see. I'm stoked. If it gets in I may get to do some readings on the East Coast and it'd be nice if my SG pals could make it.
In other news, my birthday is on Friday. I'm turning twenty-two. Not such an exciting birthday. All the good birthdays happened already, 16, 18, 21. After that the next big birthday is 30 and that's just scary for me.
In case you forgot, this is me:

Sexuality and Ethics in literature- A
Peer Counseling- A
Poetry- A
Algebra- C
So I am psyched about that. I took a philosophy course over the summer so i can finish college faster. I also got a new job at DMR (The Connecicut Department of Mental Retardation). It's a state job and well paid- $17.00/hr. My job consists of driving the van to take retarded individuals who are staying in our respite home to recreational activities in the community, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking dinner, writing notes and case studies of individuals, doing intake and the best part...changing adult and children's diapers...ewww. I am happy with the job so far.
I also recently heard from Tristan Taormino , editor of Best Lesbian Erotica and found out that my story, French Handwriting is in the running for the 2007 edition. I will know if it was officially accepted in a week or so but it was nice to talk to tristan on the phone. She liked my story and did some edits on it for me in hopes that the publisher will accept it. Accourding to her, it's in but the final say is the publisher so we'll see. I'm stoked. If it gets in I may get to do some readings on the East Coast and it'd be nice if my SG pals could make it.
In other news, my birthday is on Friday. I'm turning twenty-two. Not such an exciting birthday. All the good birthdays happened already, 16, 18, 21. After that the next big birthday is 30 and that's just scary for me.
In case you forgot, this is me:

Happy Birthday you sexy little mama