so why is that drama seems to follow me around everywhere i go??but get this its just with my boyfriend...*sigh*.....dear god if all relatioships take this much energy im never gonna be in one again. this really sucs. well im leavin tomorrow to go to hangtown.. huhm cant wait. maybe ill get a new tat up there. life is one big fuckin ball of stress even if u try to avoid it. it will always be there.i want to let him go.. but i cant. its like we both played head games with eachother. (mine was more brutal) now he is telling me if u leave for the army ill fall apart without you. u cant leave me....oh my fuckin god. he never begs and he was like a lil wimperin dog.
when i was in military school we had to say a saying while we did pt this was it:
k help me on this.....the first cut is the deepest.. but why does it seem as though it wont stop cutting. everyone will hurt you atleast once in your life..why, is it the mortal sin. everybody has to hurt? it confuses me. and if someone says he loves you forever unconditionly...does that mean he will wait..or are they just words.*sigh* so in conclusion pain isnt weakness leaving the body. its preparing you for a life full of it. some may not hurt as bad. but your heart will ache on the memories. you may say u dont live in the past but you think of it everyday.
and through it all i will remain my happy go luck self. cuz no one will bring me down but myself. i do need some tamming such a wild child. *hugs and kisses for everyone*
when i was in military school we had to say a saying while we did pt this was it:
k help me on this.....the first cut is the deepest.. but why does it seem as though it wont stop cutting. everyone will hurt you atleast once in your life..why, is it the mortal sin. everybody has to hurt? it confuses me. and if someone says he loves you forever unconditionly...does that mean he will wait..or are they just words.*sigh* so in conclusion pain isnt weakness leaving the body. its preparing you for a life full of it. some may not hurt as bad. but your heart will ache on the memories. you may say u dont live in the past but you think of it everyday.
and through it all i will remain my happy go luck self. cuz no one will bring me down but myself. i do need some tamming such a wild child. *hugs and kisses for everyone*
He should understand your feelings and accept them, not just roll his eyes and give you lip service.
You deserve better than that, and your young and there are plenty of "fish in the sea".