So the 16th was my best friends birthday..she would have been 27. She was my sole mate, my other half, the tuxedo to my bow tie, the Patrick to my spongebob. We shared a friendship for over 15 yrs and I couldn't imagine what my life would have been without her. She believed in me, she pushed me.
Unfortunately 3 yrs ago I lost my best friend. I moved a ways away from her and didnt get to see or talk to her much and she began hanging around people she shouldn't. My best friend got hooked on meth and I had no clue. I wasnt there to pick up on the signs or to help her through it and one day she was riding around with the person who introduced it to her. He was driving high on a back road and missed a turn. The car flipped and my best friend went through the sunroof.
I love and miss her every single day, I think about her everyday. The sadest part of the whole thing is she left her son and fiance behind as well. Her son was too young to even know the difference but now he will grow up never having real memories of his mother.
Please for the love of God don't drive under the influence, of ANYTHING! Even more so don't do drugs and if you do have an addiction please reach out to someone, just ask for help. It's not easy and it won't be a cake walk but I promise you can do it and it is worth it! Don't leave your loved ones never know what can happen.
@rambo @missy