This is gonna take awhile πŸ˜†

That's awesome!
Thanks guys, when I'm done, if I do it correctly, it will be a giant blanket for my husband but shhhh don't tell him its a secret lol πŸ˜‰

Hi there. My name is Christian 'tommyroxx' is just my alter ego. Anyway, I meant to reply to you on the self portrait then and now thread but I'm using a new tablet and it's doing some funky stuff and brought me here instead of quoting you there, but I said to myself close enough. I joined here last year but let my membership lapse over the summer. Anyway, sorry about the long intro but thought I should introduce myself some before I said what I wanted to say which is, even though I'm a guy, I could totally relate to what you said about the distorted self images we carry around of ourselves, it's crazy. But I think you are a super beautiful woman...then and now. Have a nice day.

Nice to meet you hun! I'm sorry they you know what it feels like but I'm glad you could relate and know that you're not alone on the matter.

Do you remember what it was like to be in school? Or maybe you still are in school? I'm going to school to get my bachelor's in psychology and forensic science. I'm still only in my first year of my 4yr program and I'm just trying remind myself it'll be worth it in the end. I keep getting teachers who act like they aren't doing...
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I visit the teacher and have them explain how I could have scored better on that test, and score better on the next. Establishing that report helps (It may help get better grade just for making the effort). Also, make friends with someone in class, possibly someone who has gotten better grades in that class. Doesn't have to be a friend you are social with, but I liked having an friendly alliance with someone in class, in case I needed help, or you want to compare assignments, tests, notes.

A little over a year ago I was working part time at a Ross. I was outside on a 15 minute break in the middle of summer, heat beaming down. I heard the tiniest of crys and when I went hunting to find where it came from it lead me to my Boogie. I happened to be on the phone with my husband and I...
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@tc_nikon the one in your photo?
@babiilove Yes Ma’am

I love how a good book can make you feel things just as a movie can. I know I have spent many a nights up crying to myself because of a good book. I am now on book four of Cassandra Clare's Shadowhunter series. I am not going to lie these books make me go through emotions so much I feel physically drained the way...
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Sounds like a good book series. I’ll look it up. πŸ‘πŸ»
All. The. Time! Whenever I get into a good book or series of books. Β An extreme example from college though, was reading the Dune books during a two week suspension of classes. We were snowbound in our shitty, unheated, apartment with little food but plenty of hashish. That was trippy!