Wednesday Jan 03, 2007 Jan 3, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS babiedoll: Jan 3, 2007 ferretbite: I loved them all. I sent you a little something I hope they won't snatch them. Yeah you know what i mean don't you!!!! Sorry I've not been able to send you the pictures. I've been neglecting you haven't I???? My favorite was that of your son's footprint. That's so great, you're the coolest mommy ever. How's 2007 so far??? Jan 3, 2007
Yeah you know what i mean don't you!!!! Sorry I've not been able to send you the pictures. I've been neglecting you haven't I????
My favorite was that of your son's footprint. That's so great, you're the coolest mommy ever.
How's 2007 so far???