Back Again! Miss me ?
Peace and Love to all
you earthlings in SG Land XOX

Im sleep deprived these days tryn to juggle My family and personal life... never enough time in a day or night
Spent last night getting private Polish lessons by candle light
Spring is in the air but its still freezing at night.. oh how i long for some heat!
Ive already been to the cottage up in wasaga with the fam looking forward to this summer by the beach cant wait!!!

Ive been busy planning a bridal shower for my lil'sister ~ always a brides maid never a bride~
cant wait gunna be super classy!!! I got place cards made for all the guests by Timeless Paper really cute!

Hope Everyone is having a fruitful EARTH DAY XOX
Mother EARTH 
~ Babie Doll
Peace and Love to all

Im sleep deprived these days tryn to juggle My family and personal life... never enough time in a day or night

Spent last night getting private Polish lessons by candle light

Spring is in the air but its still freezing at night.. oh how i long for some heat!

Ive already been to the cottage up in wasaga with the fam looking forward to this summer by the beach cant wait!!!

Ive been busy planning a bridal shower for my lil'sister ~ always a brides maid never a bride~

Hope Everyone is having a fruitful EARTH DAY XOX

~ Babie Doll
Babie DOll