Just me ... 
" I paint my own reality... I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best" ~ My beloved Frida
Im a novice photographer in my own respect I have little knowlege and no education... Ive wanted to learn more and pursue photography for years... my life and many other things just keep pushing that idea away... but it never dies its always something I think about...
(I dont consider any of what you se here photography only pictures)
when Im alone my brain races I think constantly mostly over things and people i wish i could stop thinking about... from the second I wake up my brain reminds me of my most painful realities... Ive tried in meditation and yoga to clear my head but I just cant
there are few things that will distract me *** must keep busy *** movies music tv just remind me of ppl and things ... company is the best if I can have people around i can focuss on the moment and be happy ... but when im alone I like to do few things to distract ( i hate being alone) call me conceited but I have fun taking FOTOS ... now im just using my point and click and a pose... so enjoy my bordom and self love 

~ my newest tattoo reflects the pain with my brain it reads " Teach me how I should forget to think" ~ Shakespeare * ( it still needs touching up and im thinking of adding to it ...)

even though it is winter and too cold for my bones I dressed up or beach weather just for YOU xox
2 is always better than one

which do you like more this FU or the next
Babie Doll

" I paint my own reality... I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best" ~ My beloved Frida
Im a novice photographer in my own respect I have little knowlege and no education... Ive wanted to learn more and pursue photography for years... my life and many other things just keep pushing that idea away... but it never dies its always something I think about...
(I dont consider any of what you se here photography only pictures)
when Im alone my brain races I think constantly mostly over things and people i wish i could stop thinking about... from the second I wake up my brain reminds me of my most painful realities... Ive tried in meditation and yoga to clear my head but I just cant

~ my newest tattoo reflects the pain with my brain it reads " Teach me how I should forget to think" ~ Shakespeare * ( it still needs touching up and im thinking of adding to it ...)

even though it is winter and too cold for my bones I dressed up or beach weather just for YOU xox

2 is always better than one

which do you like more this FU or the next


I kinda wanna say "whats up babie doll!?" but worry that may be too cliche!
I like the second one better, the first is a little overexposed