Its been ages since i wrote anything here Ive been SWAMPED with school and work and alot has happened...
I went with my Culinary Club to AUBERGE DE POMMER a tasty restaurant on Young s in Toronto.
I finished my second semester of culinary school kept me real busy the past few months !
My baby's daddie turned 24 in april and it makes me freak out a bit like we still like with my parents and after 5 yrs together weve become sort of static ...
My son turned 4 last friday xox cant believe hes already 4! hes gotten so big... when I look at his baby photos I can hardy beleive how small he was. XOX My love child is growing up too fast!
I finished my second semester of culinary school kept me real busy the past few months !
My baby's daddie turned 24 in april and it makes me freak out a bit like we still like with my parents and after 5 yrs together weve become sort of static ...
My son turned 4 last friday xox cant believe hes already 4! hes gotten so big... when I look at his baby photos I can hardy beleive how small he was. XOX My love child is growing up too fast!
Thank you so much. I hope we can talk soon.