Buen día beautiful community! How are you?
I'm eating a cookie as you can see 🙃 No, just kidding, I'm at the office working in accountancy.
I'm reporting with some good news: 2 new sets as a PH are coming into MR in just 3 months...I'm so happy!
The 1st one is WILFLOWER. A total pleasure to shoot my babe @turmalina 🖤
And the 2nd one is my very first multi! It was shot in Mexico, before going to the MX shootfest last March. Thanks @mataro and @juliju for trusting me to help you create LEVIATAN. I love the mood of this set.
Hope you like my work! More sets are coming because I shot a lot of beautiful ladies while having the time of my life in MX. Stay tuned!
XO 🖤