I've been spending most of my time looking at cars to buy. At first i was gonna buy a VW Golf or an Audi A3 cause they are super nice looking, small and fuel efficient, and excellent to drive.
However after considering that i'm gonna be stuck here in Australia for the next couple of years at least, i have decided to buy a Mitsubishi Delica. They are a 4WD van (import from Japan), perfect for the summer festivals and also they are great for camping and trips to go snowboarding.
They seat up to 8 people and look like super modern space vans.. i'll post pics when i buy.
I'm not usually into cars at all, to me they are just transport but i'm really excited about this one..
Here is an example of one i'm looking at tomorrow.

they are a after market import
they have never been officially released in australia all delicas available here are second hand form japan
in japan they only have new cars once the 30,000 km warranty runs out they get rid of them so most likly they car has been drien into the ground
only buy a delica that has had a full service and is in a good condition
if the seller wont let yo get a nrma check don't buy it
i have been researching delicas for a couple of years i would buy one in a instance as they are the perfect doof van bu ti am still holding back
if looking at a 4wd van look at the l300 vans (they are also mitz a bitchy)
tey are good there the same design as a hiace but 4wd
a bit cheaper and easier to turn into a camper than a delica