Tomorrow and Yesterday....

Todays thoughts

how can you truly own something? Do you own something just
because you claim it as "mine" as in thats mine. i.e.
thats my car, or thats my cat, or thats my boy/girl friend.
How can/could someone be so petty that they could believe
they own another living thing, it being human, or beast,
or human beast? If you love...
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Yet another night of trying to save money and be alone, yet i am still being asked to be there for others when I can't be there for myself. Though what else should I be here for if not my friends?

I sound way to whiney, maby I need more wine.

I an too smart for my own good, what an ego.

The noc noc was so much fun as always!

Aadi, Sam, Brit, Calissa, kiki, and "Olivia" came out which was fun. I drank to much, but hey whats new.
My dear friend who I have known for 15 years describes me like this: ... ... ... -
"AS for the whole B thing... well B is a piece of work. like a complicated engraving in a rugged stone. He at times can seem very harsh and cold ..bitter and freshly dragged from the earth and then at the same time polished and carved into...
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