I hate finding out about things. I would much rather someone tell me what is really going on.
what happened?
Ok, its sad to say but there are alot of people that I just don't like that live in Memphis. They bug me, they drain the life out of everything they touch. I can't personally stand it or them for that matter.
The reason I'm on such a rant. The person I despise the most out of the crew I used to be close to...
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do you realize how awesome it is that you feel the way you feel now? Isn't it great to actually be able to say you're really happy?

I feel the same way.
So I have one my best friends the biggest favor of all time. And he said yes. I all I have to say is Thank you.
I never wanted to realize what my future held but now that I am face to face with it, it pisses me off. I mean seriously I have everything I need to be happy. but I can't be because...
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man, you have nothing to worry about. for real.
I don't think I will be going back to Memphis. Ever. I'd much rather help to pay for family and friends to come out here to visit. surreal
haha. good call.
So I have been looking into buying tickets for Autumn and I to go back to Memphis sometime in January. Sucks because I could think of a 100 things I could do with the $800 that we will wind up spending on the trip.
Oh well, its my family, my parents won't be around forever. So I need to spend time with them. I'm just...
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Money comes hard and goes so easily huh?

Oh I knew that Costa Rica was going to win but I just wanted to hold on to hope even if it was just a thread.
Everything is falling into pplace better than i could have ever hoped for. I don't like to really brag about my good fortune. But, all I have to say is my dreams are coming true one day at a time.

I love San Frandisco
Well that sounds great. I don't think you're bragging........ it's great to hear good news for a change and to remember that not everything in the world is going to pieces.
So I have one week til I'm done with waiting tables. Thank Gawd. biggrin ooo aaa
Sunday dreaming.

Its cold, foggy, and beautiful.

The coldest winter I ever experienced was a summer I spent in San Francisco. ~Mark Twain
Oh for real? What's the temperature like now?
Not that it's directly related but...............I've experienced two really cold winters in Canada and one "winter" in Qatar. I love dressing for the weather. smile It's so chic.
So I decided that the best course of action is to run full speed into any direction I want.

On another note. I love realizing that I'm living the dream. here's a list of what is great to me.

1. I'm married to a beautiful woman that loves me as much as I love her. Thank you for everything, I wouldn't be here if it...
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Hey B. What's happening?

A month ago I was promised that my relief would materialize on the 26th of August. I sent a letter to my manager two days ago asking about it and she has not replied yet. I know that she got the letter cause there was an important attachement that she needed. I'm giving her some time On Saturday she gets another email. mad

That's just a pretend angry face........ deep down i sorta don't care.
Oh you would huh blush well i'm already having a good day smile

Don't worry you don't have to warn me twice about the married men thing..... I haven't been bitten but I watch enough tv and hear enough horror stories.

Oh I just read your humbling moment. I'm sure that was very humbling. shocked
I struggle to find myself in my new home.
Well I hope the struggle does not last too long. Good luck!
I'm almost afraid to ask what you'll do with a goat and some peanut butter. biggrin
So I got a job, finally. Thank god. Its waiting tables but, I made around a $100 on my first 4 hours in the building. I can't bitch. Especially, since the woman that wanted to me to design her restaurant never called me back after I did all of the drawings for it.... So. I have a job, the money is good, and that means...
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