I really, really, really need to start writing more often. I should transcribe my bank robbery short story that I wrote while drunk at work. Unfortunately, as exciting as that would be, I would have to find the memo pad that I wrote the entire story on. That is unliekly.
Plus writing might help my dyslexia.
Im serious. My sister has it too. Although I guess we havent really been tested or anything. I use spell check for everything. I have trouble tyipng and even more trouble taking notes in class. I wish I could take a picture of my notes. Its that crazy.
Maybe I will take a pictuer of my notes somteime.
I read a lot, and I think that helps me, but my sister doesnt read at all. So she is kind of screwed, and does poorly in school. Which is why she is dropping out, and taking a job that pays her room and board plus $60 a week. I love my sister.
I even love my other sisters. Altohutg one is a nutritionist and the other one doesnt have a drivers license.
I even love my dog which I think has cancer, because she sometimes falls over while running.
Its not that I equate the love I feel toward my dog with that of my sisters. How could I? I know my dog will die before any of my sisters. At least that is what I expect. I expect that when my dog dies Ill get a new one. And then Ill love the new dog more then I love the old one.
Its much harder to get a new sister. Especially when your mother has uterine cancer, and is having a total hysterectomy in three weeks.

Plus writing might help my dyslexia.
Im serious. My sister has it too. Although I guess we havent really been tested or anything. I use spell check for everything. I have trouble tyipng and even more trouble taking notes in class. I wish I could take a picture of my notes. Its that crazy.
Maybe I will take a pictuer of my notes somteime.
I read a lot, and I think that helps me, but my sister doesnt read at all. So she is kind of screwed, and does poorly in school. Which is why she is dropping out, and taking a job that pays her room and board plus $60 a week. I love my sister.
I even love my other sisters. Altohutg one is a nutritionist and the other one doesnt have a drivers license.
I even love my dog which I think has cancer, because she sometimes falls over while running.
Its not that I equate the love I feel toward my dog with that of my sisters. How could I? I know my dog will die before any of my sisters. At least that is what I expect. I expect that when my dog dies Ill get a new one. And then Ill love the new dog more then I love the old one.
Its much harder to get a new sister. Especially when your mother has uterine cancer, and is having a total hysterectomy in three weeks.


I read all the posts I missed.
I like your voice.