Siphon the catalyst of desire
Pump it in deep, oh yes... Hit me
Rape these virgin veins
Be the shaman, my chaotic guide
Deliver me from this reality
Tap the vein - Drive it in deeper
Tap the vein - Puncture me here
Tap the vein - Break off the tip
Hit me again and behold
Pretty red lines with fingernails
Blood from seething lips
Veil covered darkened eyes
Witness my reality slip
Muscles tighten under constriction
Jaw wired under affliction
Body contorting to a fetal position
Arms outstretched, feed my addiction.

Pump it in deep, oh yes... Hit me
Rape these virgin veins
Be the shaman, my chaotic guide
Deliver me from this reality
Tap the vein - Drive it in deeper
Tap the vein - Puncture me here
Tap the vein - Break off the tip
Hit me again and behold
Pretty red lines with fingernails
Blood from seething lips
Veil covered darkened eyes
Witness my reality slip
Muscles tighten under constriction
Jaw wired under affliction
Body contorting to a fetal position
Arms outstretched, feed my addiction.


sorry i haven't been around in a while- good to see you can still write your sweet ass off, though.