no angst ridden poetry for today... i'm turning over a new leaf... i see life as sun shiney and bright, the birds are singing, theres a rainbow, my socks match, and Henry Rollins is elected president...................
Scar tissue crafted from blades of malcontent,
Disillusioned will chained to delusions of grandeur
A crying out, crystalline tear, frivolous
Benign words over toned in despair.
Mapped wrist outstretched to the heavens in which she calls
"Take it all away, i don't want it anymore"
ok.. so that was short lived..
the stuff that comes out of me brain for no apparent reason

Scar tissue crafted from blades of malcontent,
Disillusioned will chained to delusions of grandeur
A crying out, crystalline tear, frivolous
Benign words over toned in despair.
Mapped wrist outstretched to the heavens in which she calls
"Take it all away, i don't want it anymore"
ok.. so that was short lived..
the stuff that comes out of me brain for no apparent reason

Enter red release.
Particles trapped by static.
Exit red respond.
Hmm... orange is going to suck. Mebbe this wasna such a gude idea.