A feast of thoughts festering upon boils of hate that spawned through the veins of discontent when spewed obtuse thoughts that reflect nothing about anything that matters penetrate the six. Assaulting what is left of dignity, demeaning what is left of pride. Give me the fucking knife so I can twist it into your spine, make you feel how you've made me feel countless times. How does it feel? Does it feel good? Let me twist it a little more. Oh yes, right there. Past your spine into your fucking heart...god I love you...
I got a tat covered with another glorious tat today. s'beautiful and covers my right shoulder blade. Now I have to do a rework on m'left blade...
I missed that burn...
-edits for description-
when i got married, my hub and i got matching tattoos of a black widow. well, now that i'm Divorced
i had to get it covered.. so since it was all black, i drew up a custom piece. Its a solar eclipse. The eclipse part is black that fades into a dark purple, the purple fades into the pretty yellow, orange and red flames. Surrounding it is 6 kanji characters in black, but shaded in scarlet... It reads "life ending, life beginning, eternally enlightened" m'life in a nutshell.. And for a lil bit of poetic justice, i got my X to do it for me
as soon as he emails me the pic, i'll upload
love you guys

I got a tat covered with another glorious tat today. s'beautiful and covers my right shoulder blade. Now I have to do a rework on m'left blade...
I missed that burn...
-edits for description-
when i got married, my hub and i got matching tattoos of a black widow. well, now that i'm Divorced

as soon as he emails me the pic, i'll upload
love you guys

stomach bloated with empty.
Destructive famine.
I've been planning to upload some of my photo stuff, but I'm just so goddamn lazy. I'd have to take all the crap that's piled on my scanner off, and that might take a whole 5 minutes. P'raps I shall tomorrow.
Chaos and fury,
my hands are cold with your blood.
War screams of havoc.
Was it the content/meaning of the poem that confused you?