Cataclysmic Apocalypse churning in my mind
Feelings that I thought Ive buried, left far behind
Surfacing with jolts of inhuman consequence,
My soul, my life, bearing no pretense.
The anger, the pain streaming through my system
No matter how hard I try, I succumb becoming its victim
The malice that keeps coming, seeping in my head
Wondering if the pain would go, once my life has fled.
With these bearing thoughts, I turn to you for guidance
You look through me with unyielding anger, it was my own compliance
Hate or love staring at me, I cant fathom which
Now I place my finger on my own kill switch.
Feelings that I thought Ive buried, left far behind
Surfacing with jolts of inhuman consequence,
My soul, my life, bearing no pretense.
The anger, the pain streaming through my system
No matter how hard I try, I succumb becoming its victim
The malice that keeps coming, seeping in my head
Wondering if the pain would go, once my life has fled.
With these bearing thoughts, I turn to you for guidance
You look through me with unyielding anger, it was my own compliance
Hate or love staring at me, I cant fathom which
Now I place my finger on my own kill switch.

i love the last two lines- as always, beautifully disturbing.
i wanna come give you a hug.

fleh! yourself. Such language.......(shakes head like a dissapproving parent)