I would say I'm probably barely able to call myself a Christian. I mean, really, to me it's more of a pointless title than something I truly wholeheartedly believe, if at all.
But for fuck's sake, when you spend hours piling shit onto the belief I have to wonder which is the more intolerant.
Yeah I get it, there are people out there being killed in the name of a religion, and that's a fucking load of shit that sucks to no end. But who do you think you're impressing by posting all this anti-religion anger online? Are the people out there killing in the name of their god gonna read your facebook updates? How about the Fred Phelps followers? You know, the God hates fags people.
No, all you are doing is shoving your agenda in the faces of people who are just living their lives trying to find answers just like anybody else. Guess what, the Phelps people are still out there, people are still being murdered, but it's okay cause now everyone knows you're postmodern and ironic.
Yeah, it's a pain in the ass when you're just trying to go about your business, and some religious representative starts shoving their beliefs in your face, but guess what? That goes both ways.
Whether I'm walking down the street, or working, or watching tv, or getting high and swinging a knife at the imaginary man in my head, don't shove your agenda in my face.
That's a courtesy I extend to everyone, and yet no one seems to extend to me. If you're gonna look at me differently because I go to church when I feel lost or confused... or if it's FUCKING CHRISTMAS, then I have good news, you don't have to talk to me. I wish you all the luck in the world, just please try to live and let live.
But for fuck's sake, when you spend hours piling shit onto the belief I have to wonder which is the more intolerant.
Yeah I get it, there are people out there being killed in the name of a religion, and that's a fucking load of shit that sucks to no end. But who do you think you're impressing by posting all this anti-religion anger online? Are the people out there killing in the name of their god gonna read your facebook updates? How about the Fred Phelps followers? You know, the God hates fags people.
No, all you are doing is shoving your agenda in the faces of people who are just living their lives trying to find answers just like anybody else. Guess what, the Phelps people are still out there, people are still being murdered, but it's okay cause now everyone knows you're postmodern and ironic.
Yeah, it's a pain in the ass when you're just trying to go about your business, and some religious representative starts shoving their beliefs in your face, but guess what? That goes both ways.
Whether I'm walking down the street, or working, or watching tv, or getting high and swinging a knife at the imaginary man in my head, don't shove your agenda in my face.
That's a courtesy I extend to everyone, and yet no one seems to extend to me. If you're gonna look at me differently because I go to church when I feel lost or confused... or if it's FUCKING CHRISTMAS, then I have good news, you don't have to talk to me. I wish you all the luck in the world, just please try to live and let live.
Problem is, with all religions you have people that take the text too literal or they just twist it into their own agenda.
You just gotta learn to fliter out the bullshit and the assholes from the true practices.