Hey lets do an update as one has not happened in a while!
First, the Con was pretty great as usual, good times were had, all that fun stuff. Staying with the people I did though did do a sort of step one start of my current state of mind, more on that later.
Second, I just got back Friday night from a trip to Seattle and Vancouver. Seattle was pretty cool, spent time dicking around the city as well as some touristy stuff. How could a kung fu fan like myself miss a chance to visit Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee's grave? Visited the University of Washington campus which made me kinda sad as it was yet another beautiful school I'd never be able to attend. Fun fact: Bruce Lee majored in Philosophy at the University of Washington. But anyway, I keep getting this horrible sinking feeling that I'm gonna get a letter from Cal State LA saying, "Oops, we fucked up, you can't come."
After that we went across the border to Vancouver, and I gotta tell you, that city stole my heart. I loved everything there so damn much. It actually made me seriously consider going for dual citizenship when I get older. We also found some time to visit Victoria, which was, and this is something I don't usually say about places, but it was absolutely beautiful. It actually kind of took my breath away.
Anyway, got back late friday night, had work Saturday morning, life's back on track. Except for my state of mind. I'm in a weird place right now where I'm trying to find inner peace and other stuff. I seem to have surrounded myself with a whole lot of negative assholes, most of whom I call my friends. And I don't know, I'm kind of sick of it. The need to have a problem with something all the time, the pissy attitude, the flat out angry jokes, most of all the unwillingness to be really truly happy. I think it was being surrounded by so much negativity on both of these trips that kind of overdosed my ability to be around it. Hey! Here's an idea, let's NOT bitch about something for a while and just hang out, relax and have a good time.
In continuing with the whole inner peace thing, I've started practicing Tai Chi. You may know it as that thing old people do in the park early in the morning. You see I had wanted to find a martial art to practice for a while now, but with my body being in the state it's in, it's kind of difficult to find one that would actually work. I mean, I can't even keep up with like, taekwondo any more, much less a Chinese style. Then I looked into Tai Chi. I figured, "Hell, if old people can do it, I'm sure a young overweight guy can do it too." That was literally my thought process, but then I looked into it and it's actually got amazing health benefits and is really just damn relaxing to do. It's relaxing, and guess what, in an hour of practicing, you actually burn off more calories than you would surfing or skiing for an hour. Sounds good to me.
First, the Con was pretty great as usual, good times were had, all that fun stuff. Staying with the people I did though did do a sort of step one start of my current state of mind, more on that later.
Second, I just got back Friday night from a trip to Seattle and Vancouver. Seattle was pretty cool, spent time dicking around the city as well as some touristy stuff. How could a kung fu fan like myself miss a chance to visit Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee's grave? Visited the University of Washington campus which made me kinda sad as it was yet another beautiful school I'd never be able to attend. Fun fact: Bruce Lee majored in Philosophy at the University of Washington. But anyway, I keep getting this horrible sinking feeling that I'm gonna get a letter from Cal State LA saying, "Oops, we fucked up, you can't come."
After that we went across the border to Vancouver, and I gotta tell you, that city stole my heart. I loved everything there so damn much. It actually made me seriously consider going for dual citizenship when I get older. We also found some time to visit Victoria, which was, and this is something I don't usually say about places, but it was absolutely beautiful. It actually kind of took my breath away.
Anyway, got back late friday night, had work Saturday morning, life's back on track. Except for my state of mind. I'm in a weird place right now where I'm trying to find inner peace and other stuff. I seem to have surrounded myself with a whole lot of negative assholes, most of whom I call my friends. And I don't know, I'm kind of sick of it. The need to have a problem with something all the time, the pissy attitude, the flat out angry jokes, most of all the unwillingness to be really truly happy. I think it was being surrounded by so much negativity on both of these trips that kind of overdosed my ability to be around it. Hey! Here's an idea, let's NOT bitch about something for a while and just hang out, relax and have a good time.
In continuing with the whole inner peace thing, I've started practicing Tai Chi. You may know it as that thing old people do in the park early in the morning. You see I had wanted to find a martial art to practice for a while now, but with my body being in the state it's in, it's kind of difficult to find one that would actually work. I mean, I can't even keep up with like, taekwondo any more, much less a Chinese style. Then I looked into Tai Chi. I figured, "Hell, if old people can do it, I'm sure a young overweight guy can do it too." That was literally my thought process, but then I looked into it and it's actually got amazing health benefits and is really just damn relaxing to do. It's relaxing, and guess what, in an hour of practicing, you actually burn off more calories than you would surfing or skiing for an hour. Sounds good to me.
Good luck finding your inner peace