I've been in this place lately, where I'm questioning some of the people I've become friends with. Granted, not anybody I'm really quite close with, but those who fall into that class that's somewhere between casual and good friend.
I don't know what it is, maybe it's just a matter of me growing up, but I'm finding that I no longer really want to associate myself with some of these people. I don't know what it is, but it's been happening a lot lately, people who I used to always be able to hang out with and we'd get along real well, are really starting to do little more than annoy and occasionally fill me with pure fucking anger.
Interestingly, all of these friends, who actually don't know each other, all fall into a very similar category. It's that sort of really opinionated, full of himself type person. The type who believe they know all the secrets of the world, and that it's the rest of the world who needs to catch up. Like god took all the knowledge of existence and put it into the mind of an overweight geek living in Walnut, or Victorville, CA... who goes to community college. The type of people, who if you disagree with, about maybe even the most mundane detail, get riled up with anger. They all hate any sort of religion, and hate those who preach it, and yet can't seem to stop preaching their own, it's called atheism, you may have heard of it.
I guess all this sort of came to the top when I unloaded on one of these friends. You see, I'm not a really religious person, but I don't see anything wrong in having some sort of faith. I don't care what the hell that faith is, so I let people live and let live. Yet one day when I was with one of these friends, I brought up that I had a little faith, and he fucking lost his mind... and then I lost my mind, not in some religious sense, I was fucking mad because I have always extended the courtesy of allowing people to believe whatever they wanted, and never commenting on it, never ridiculing it, never acknowledging it. Yet when I bring something as fucking stupid up as the fact that I see nothing wrong with having a little faith, I get a fucking lecture about why atheism is the only way? I would have thought, that with all that fucking respect I put out there for everyone else, particularly my friends, they would at the very least have the common fucking courtesy to extend that service to me, I guess I was wrong.
This happened with just one of these friends, but it sort of got the wheels turning in my brain, and I'm starting to notice more and more how sort of petty these friends are. They constantly bitch about their station in life, yet do nothing about it.
"I hate not being able to drive"
"Why don't you get a license? I mean you're 21 years of for chirst's sake"
"Nah, I mean, it's not like I have a car or anything"
"So you can't get a license?"
"Nah, maybe next month."
"Man I need to make money"
"So why don't you apply for a job?"
"Well, I mean, I've got school?"
"So you can't do part time or anything?"
"Why bother? I might as well wait until everything works itself out."
And my personal favorite, which has nothing to do with the above two, but shows just how naive they can be:
"I was at the mall with my girlfriend, but she was being a bitch so I started texting this other chick I wanna get at and..."
"Excuse me? You wanna run that by me again?"
"You were doing what?"
"I was texting this chick I wanna get at and..."
"While you were out with your girlfriend?"
"And you see nothing wrong with that?"
"Well she was being a bitch..."
I should note that these conversations are not made up, these happen, the above two, I've had with several of these friends more than once. It's that sort of lazy bullshit excuse to avoid doing something as necessary, yeah annoying but lets face it simple, as getting your license.
Anyway, I have a lot more problems with these friends that I won't bore you with, but I would imagine that based solely on reading this it would seem like, well why not just stop becoming friends with them? Well it's not that simple, I mean I've known some of these people for years, I mean, I went through high school with these guys you know?
So I've hit this very calm place now, where I don't dislike them, I'm not mad at them, or constantly annoyed with them. I'm at a place where I just feel I no longer need to go out of my way to hang out with them. I won't call them to hang out, or if they wanna do something I don't really wanna do I'm not gonna agree just cause a group is doing it. Except for tomorrow, tomorrow one of them is turning 21, so at the very least I'll go to that. How I feel afterwards, I don't know.
Sorry about the sort of all over the place nature of this post, as I'm typing this I'm dealing with yet more drama with some of these friends. It's amazing how endless it all it.
I don't know what it is, maybe it's just a matter of me growing up, but I'm finding that I no longer really want to associate myself with some of these people. I don't know what it is, but it's been happening a lot lately, people who I used to always be able to hang out with and we'd get along real well, are really starting to do little more than annoy and occasionally fill me with pure fucking anger.
Interestingly, all of these friends, who actually don't know each other, all fall into a very similar category. It's that sort of really opinionated, full of himself type person. The type who believe they know all the secrets of the world, and that it's the rest of the world who needs to catch up. Like god took all the knowledge of existence and put it into the mind of an overweight geek living in Walnut, or Victorville, CA... who goes to community college. The type of people, who if you disagree with, about maybe even the most mundane detail, get riled up with anger. They all hate any sort of religion, and hate those who preach it, and yet can't seem to stop preaching their own, it's called atheism, you may have heard of it.
I guess all this sort of came to the top when I unloaded on one of these friends. You see, I'm not a really religious person, but I don't see anything wrong in having some sort of faith. I don't care what the hell that faith is, so I let people live and let live. Yet one day when I was with one of these friends, I brought up that I had a little faith, and he fucking lost his mind... and then I lost my mind, not in some religious sense, I was fucking mad because I have always extended the courtesy of allowing people to believe whatever they wanted, and never commenting on it, never ridiculing it, never acknowledging it. Yet when I bring something as fucking stupid up as the fact that I see nothing wrong with having a little faith, I get a fucking lecture about why atheism is the only way? I would have thought, that with all that fucking respect I put out there for everyone else, particularly my friends, they would at the very least have the common fucking courtesy to extend that service to me, I guess I was wrong.
This happened with just one of these friends, but it sort of got the wheels turning in my brain, and I'm starting to notice more and more how sort of petty these friends are. They constantly bitch about their station in life, yet do nothing about it.
"I hate not being able to drive"
"Why don't you get a license? I mean you're 21 years of for chirst's sake"
"Nah, I mean, it's not like I have a car or anything"
"So you can't get a license?"
"Nah, maybe next month."
"Man I need to make money"
"So why don't you apply for a job?"
"Well, I mean, I've got school?"
"So you can't do part time or anything?"
"Why bother? I might as well wait until everything works itself out."
And my personal favorite, which has nothing to do with the above two, but shows just how naive they can be:
"I was at the mall with my girlfriend, but she was being a bitch so I started texting this other chick I wanna get at and..."
"Excuse me? You wanna run that by me again?"
"You were doing what?"
"I was texting this chick I wanna get at and..."
"While you were out with your girlfriend?"
"And you see nothing wrong with that?"
"Well she was being a bitch..."
I should note that these conversations are not made up, these happen, the above two, I've had with several of these friends more than once. It's that sort of lazy bullshit excuse to avoid doing something as necessary, yeah annoying but lets face it simple, as getting your license.
Anyway, I have a lot more problems with these friends that I won't bore you with, but I would imagine that based solely on reading this it would seem like, well why not just stop becoming friends with them? Well it's not that simple, I mean I've known some of these people for years, I mean, I went through high school with these guys you know?
So I've hit this very calm place now, where I don't dislike them, I'm not mad at them, or constantly annoyed with them. I'm at a place where I just feel I no longer need to go out of my way to hang out with them. I won't call them to hang out, or if they wanna do something I don't really wanna do I'm not gonna agree just cause a group is doing it. Except for tomorrow, tomorrow one of them is turning 21, so at the very least I'll go to that. How I feel afterwards, I don't know.
Sorry about the sort of all over the place nature of this post, as I'm typing this I'm dealing with yet more drama with some of these friends. It's amazing how endless it all it.
There are only a small handful of people I consider "real" good friends, and I've
only met them in the last year or so.. you've got to leave some people behind.
And when you do it actually feels pretty good!
Im quite a passionate atheist. But some of my closest friends are
christian, catholic, etc. and i make sure i NEVER make them feel
awkward about it. It's a (very) personal choice.. if someone asks
for my opinion, or tries to argue with me about it, that's when I make
it very obvious where I stand. But I agree - there is nothing wrong
with having faith, if it's not hurting anyone, right?
So I've come up with a solution..
Move here. And bring the good ones with you