Today's workout:
3x (15-low squat with dumbbell press, 15-wide legged burpees, 15-dumbbell split squat, 15-sumo squat with weight)
3x 12 step ups on bosu with medicine ball twist
3x 30s toe touches, 30s box jumps
3x cable trunk twist
3x one legged Romanian deadlift
3x lateral raises
3x front raises
3x lat pull downs
3x dumbbell shoulder press
3x straight arm pushdowns
3x one - arm bent over rows
3x lying leg raises
30 min elliptical
Can you tell I was feeling it?
It's nice to have some time off!
3x (15-low squat with dumbbell press, 15-wide legged burpees, 15-dumbbell split squat, 15-sumo squat with weight)
3x 12 step ups on bosu with medicine ball twist
3x 30s toe touches, 30s box jumps
3x cable trunk twist
3x one legged Romanian deadlift
3x lateral raises
3x front raises
3x lat pull downs
3x dumbbell shoulder press
3x straight arm pushdowns
3x one - arm bent over rows
3x lying leg raises
30 min elliptical
Can you tell I was feeling it?

sounds like an obscure sexual position!