Wow, again time is just flying by me!
I've done a couple races this month - one was an obstacle race, 4+ miles in the mud with 15 military style obstacles. It was insane! I had a great time, there were a couple obstacles I struggled with and couldn't quite complete, so I hope next year I can do better. I did manage to do a couple that really scared me though - the ten foot wall, and the commando crawl on a rope above a pit of muddy water. I did this race with my trainer and some of my boot camp buddies, which was really fun. I finished it, but it was def my hardest race so far! I think it was the most bruised I have ever been , my legs looked like I had been in a car wreck! Loved it! And then just did a 5k on Thanksgiving morning, before doing fam stuff. Yesterday's workout was really cool, got a lot in - an hour of lifting, 45 min of boxing mitt work (have to start taking it easier on my partner though
) And a good 1.2 mile run out in the chilly windy weather. I am on a roll!
This month was also filled with lots of work stuff - regular work and then some classes on top of it. And I finished and submitted my grad school application.
Oh! And I am redecorating my office. Super excited about it! I bought a 1920's waterfall vanity to now fix myself up at
Painted the room purple, too. Like a real purple! It's awesome! And I framed some Gustavo prints, replaced the door knobs with cool glass knobs...still have stuff to do and need to figure out a different desk. I am totally in love with the Restoration hardware aviator desk (made to look like a WWII airplane wing), but it's super expensive. I'm actually thinking about trying to make one, but I think everyone else thinks I am crazy. Maybe I will get around to taking some pics so I can show all of you - and see if anyone has any decor ideas!
Tons of stuff going the meantime, I figure I should post a preview!!! My next set goes live next Sunday! Hope everyone likes it
I've done a couple races this month - one was an obstacle race, 4+ miles in the mud with 15 military style obstacles. It was insane! I had a great time, there were a couple obstacles I struggled with and couldn't quite complete, so I hope next year I can do better. I did manage to do a couple that really scared me though - the ten foot wall, and the commando crawl on a rope above a pit of muddy water. I did this race with my trainer and some of my boot camp buddies, which was really fun. I finished it, but it was def my hardest race so far! I think it was the most bruised I have ever been , my legs looked like I had been in a car wreck! Loved it! And then just did a 5k on Thanksgiving morning, before doing fam stuff. Yesterday's workout was really cool, got a lot in - an hour of lifting, 45 min of boxing mitt work (have to start taking it easier on my partner though

This month was also filled with lots of work stuff - regular work and then some classes on top of it. And I finished and submitted my grad school application.
Oh! And I am redecorating my office. Super excited about it! I bought a 1920's waterfall vanity to now fix myself up at

Tons of stuff going the meantime, I figure I should post a preview!!! My next set goes live next Sunday! Hope everyone likes it

Hey Sexy Sassy Lady! Wow the boot camp sounds brutal but what an accomplishment! Thank you for the love and Ooooo very nice right back atcha! Looking forward to the new set Love!

"Hey sexy lady thanls for the frienship add and the lovely comments on my set. You seem like a really rad chick and i hope we can have a long frienship. I'm really excited to see your next set mean comes out a few day's later on the 9th of Dec so we will be on the front page together for a day or two. Hopefully we can go PINK together wouldn't that be a dream come true. You'll be PINK in no time you totally have the look. Have a great week and reading your blog it sounds like we have the same passion for physical activity right on. Talk to ya soon gorgeous girl"