Normalcy = mediocrity
Current mood: bouncy
"For it is important that awake people be awake...the signals we give--yes or no, or maybe--should be clear: The darkness around us is deep." -- William Stafford
I dislike ambiguity in people. If one is not specific then the universe dishes up havoc at ones table!
Mmmm....darkness is deep, so true! We all live in the dark blanketed world of our own mind.Doesn't that sound good though, the darkness is deep, reminds me of a Depeche Mode song called I'm waiting for the night to fall. For all us nocturnal beings out there.
I can't relate to average anymore, I just can't fucking do it, it bores me and I think it's mediocre. This world has so much more to offer than average, normal, conventional married with two kids, a dog, a bond to pay off and a career where one makes someone else rich only to survive oneself! Fuck it, I don't want it! The proverbial fucken American dream, it just doesn't apply to people like me!
I prefer the alternative, whatever that is for me, eeeek! It changes all the time, I change all the time. I am finally getting used to it, it keeps me on my toes!
fucking A! To hell with the societal expectations and desires that keep us shackled just long enough to prevent us from ever being truly free.
still i do miss you