"When I was 26, I didn't know who I was. And at 36, I didn't know who I was. Now I do. I think that's what being authentic is--when you finally know you." -- Jamie Lee Curtis
I have moments when I lose the plot and I forget myself, just came out of a couple of these situations but feeling a whole lot better now. Sweet relief is so underrated!
Last night my mother had an Amway meeting at our place, she's being nice to me again which means she probably feels like shit for the way she went off at me on Sunday morning when I called her after my car aqua planed into the damn pavement! In fact she invited this poor guy over who she has been trying to set me up with for the last month.I felt really bad for him because the situation was clearly so fucken obvious and uncomfortable!!! I hate it when people try to set me up with men. If I wanted a fucken relationship right now I would be in one!! I am quite happy with my own company at the moment, I have no desire for anyone and I haven't felt that way in years, I just want to enjoy it before I find another lunatic to fall in love with!! Trust me I only fall in love with lunatics who normally can't give me what I want, I sabotage myself that way, instead of sabotaging the relationship I'll just start one with someone where the odds are totally against us for example a guy who is engaged to a friend of mine, who has a criminal record for drug dealing and who has a history of infidelity. Wow I am soooo surprised that didn't work!!!!!
Anyway tomorrow night I am going to a pilates class with my crazy friend Roz and she wants me to meet her boss who is apparently really hot! I just wanna do pilates lady! He's 22, what the fuck am I suppose to do with a 22 year old!! After pilates I am going Ice Skating and maybe I'll play a couple of games of pool with the girls afterwards, we'll see. I love skating and acting like a kid, just losing myself and not giving a damn about being responsible, wise and adult like. He he he!
Anyway over and out!
I have moments when I lose the plot and I forget myself, just came out of a couple of these situations but feeling a whole lot better now. Sweet relief is so underrated!

Last night my mother had an Amway meeting at our place, she's being nice to me again which means she probably feels like shit for the way she went off at me on Sunday morning when I called her after my car aqua planed into the damn pavement! In fact she invited this poor guy over who she has been trying to set me up with for the last month.I felt really bad for him because the situation was clearly so fucken obvious and uncomfortable!!! I hate it when people try to set me up with men. If I wanted a fucken relationship right now I would be in one!! I am quite happy with my own company at the moment, I have no desire for anyone and I haven't felt that way in years, I just want to enjoy it before I find another lunatic to fall in love with!! Trust me I only fall in love with lunatics who normally can't give me what I want, I sabotage myself that way, instead of sabotaging the relationship I'll just start one with someone where the odds are totally against us for example a guy who is engaged to a friend of mine, who has a criminal record for drug dealing and who has a history of infidelity. Wow I am soooo surprised that didn't work!!!!!
Anyway tomorrow night I am going to a pilates class with my crazy friend Roz and she wants me to meet her boss who is apparently really hot! I just wanna do pilates lady! He's 22, what the fuck am I suppose to do with a 22 year old!! After pilates I am going Ice Skating and maybe I'll play a couple of games of pool with the girls afterwards, we'll see. I love skating and acting like a kid, just losing myself and not giving a damn about being responsible, wise and adult like. He he he!
Anyway over and out!
It's just natural for parents to try and set you up ... ignore it!
Hugs xxx
hence the emo post on myspazz the other day
which i have not got to thank you for your reply to it
yeh been on your ace can be fun
think etc