"the ancient ideal of the sacred warrior is learning to master the
challenges of life, both on and off the battlefield."
The Warrior is the one who stalks. S/he is the cunning predator. I like the saying from the Toltec Warrior Path. An impecable Warrior knows when to move and when to sit still. The Warrior will look at the situation from all angles and come up with the best path to get to the solution. Sometimes you will need to be still and wait for the prey to get into a satisfactory position, and then you can move forward, but you may not be able to leap at the prey, it will be slight movements until you have the prey in a position where you can get it, and know that you will not miss.
It is about knowing, which is why I said "cunning" as the word comes from the Scottish "kenning", which we find in Afrikaans also, "ken", i.e. to know. You know what the prey will do, how it will move, where it will tread. You become the prey that is being hunted by the Warrior, which is yourself. And you know when to be still, and when to move.
It is also about focus, stillness of mind. It is about being the hunter. There is no time for wasting personal power, as personal power must always be maintained. An impeccable Warrior does not waste energy, but preserves it, gathers it, stores it, until such a time as it is needed, but never wasted.
He he he.....this is useful stuff
challenges of life, both on and off the battlefield."
The Warrior is the one who stalks. S/he is the cunning predator. I like the saying from the Toltec Warrior Path. An impecable Warrior knows when to move and when to sit still. The Warrior will look at the situation from all angles and come up with the best path to get to the solution. Sometimes you will need to be still and wait for the prey to get into a satisfactory position, and then you can move forward, but you may not be able to leap at the prey, it will be slight movements until you have the prey in a position where you can get it, and know that you will not miss.
It is about knowing, which is why I said "cunning" as the word comes from the Scottish "kenning", which we find in Afrikaans also, "ken", i.e. to know. You know what the prey will do, how it will move, where it will tread. You become the prey that is being hunted by the Warrior, which is yourself. And you know when to be still, and when to move.
It is also about focus, stillness of mind. It is about being the hunter. There is no time for wasting personal power, as personal power must always be maintained. An impeccable Warrior does not waste energy, but preserves it, gathers it, stores it, until such a time as it is needed, but never wasted.
He he he.....this is useful stuff

Is jy Afrikaans?

You should definitely go see Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto"!! There are two shows this evening at Hyde Park Nu Metro. One at 5:30pm, the other at 8:30pm. It comes off circuit & makes way for a new release tomorrow. Basically it tells the story of Mayan warriors at the peak of their ancient civilisation. I found it completely riveting...