Ok so things with fancy face a progressing in a rather odd direction, we're doing the mild dirty talk thing and we haven't even touched eachother although we have had ample opportunity to.
Must say that I am having a lot of fun with it, with him. Lust is a really underestimated emotion, it's the precurser to the actual fall, if the fall is fated to happen. I won't let the fall happen with fancy face, he's just completely wrong for me as a person. Ultimately one can control ones emotions, you can feel what you feel realising that it's just a sensation that is brought on by several chemical reactions in your brain and thus you are not your feelings and should not be defined or controlled by them.
One of the break throughs I had with sordid affair boy was that although I was still inamored by him that didn't mean that I should forgive him as far as taking him back. Just because you have feelings for someone doesn't mean that you should be with them or that they are marriage/relationship material. Maybe I'm just a slow learner but it took me ages to actually get that!
Fancy face may actually teach me something about enjoying sex for the sake of sex and not attaching all this bloody meaning to it which let's face it just adds a lot of unnecessary pressure to the entire experience.

Must say that I am having a lot of fun with it, with him. Lust is a really underestimated emotion, it's the precurser to the actual fall, if the fall is fated to happen. I won't let the fall happen with fancy face, he's just completely wrong for me as a person. Ultimately one can control ones emotions, you can feel what you feel realising that it's just a sensation that is brought on by several chemical reactions in your brain and thus you are not your feelings and should not be defined or controlled by them.
One of the break throughs I had with sordid affair boy was that although I was still inamored by him that didn't mean that I should forgive him as far as taking him back. Just because you have feelings for someone doesn't mean that you should be with them or that they are marriage/relationship material. Maybe I'm just a slow learner but it took me ages to actually get that!

Fancy face may actually teach me something about enjoying sex for the sake of sex and not attaching all this bloody meaning to it which let's face it just adds a lot of unnecessary pressure to the entire experience.
Just, you know, be careful and look after yourself.
Sex is natural - sex is good
Not everybody does it
But everybody should
Sex is natural - sex is fun
Sex is best when it's....one on one
one on one
i fully aglee