"To be civil---to behave, that is, in a manner that takes into consideration the feelings and the comfort of others---means practicing the art of giving." -- P.M. Forni
Just had an argument with a client regarding a misunderstanding about amending the material of one of the ads she placed in our magazines. Long story short she wanted me to change an ad (after it was already printed which was obviously impossible) I thought she was talking about the next ad that she booked in the edition the week after the first ad appeared as I assumed she understood that the magazine where the first ad appeared had already been printed the week before as I had chased the material for her ad the week before and had explained to her that her delay in sending us material for the ad was delaying the entire printing process!!!
Now she wants compensation as the ad is wrong, the ad is wrong because they sent in the incorrect material three weeks after deadline!!
Just had an argument with a client regarding a misunderstanding about amending the material of one of the ads she placed in our magazines. Long story short she wanted me to change an ad (after it was already printed which was obviously impossible) I thought she was talking about the next ad that she booked in the edition the week after the first ad appeared as I assumed she understood that the magazine where the first ad appeared had already been printed the week before as I had chased the material for her ad the week before and had explained to her that her delay in sending us material for the ad was delaying the entire printing process!!!

Now she wants compensation as the ad is wrong, the ad is wrong because they sent in the incorrect material three weeks after deadline!!

thats a reason why im glad im not in a customer oriented business. i hate the "customer is always right" saying.
Sock her one for me, baby