I am very tired right now, worked hard this weekend, even the Ritalin isn't keeping me focussed. I just want to go home and cry, I think that drinking all that Tequila on Saturday night behind the bar was a mistake. Alcohol and Ritalin don't mix very well.
I hate feeling depressed, I don't know how people with Chronic depression cope!!
I watched " A Scanner Darkly"last night, it's quite depressing as well, so I guess it just contributed to my lovely state of mind.
I hate feeling depressed, I don't know how people with Chronic depression cope!!
I watched " A Scanner Darkly"last night, it's quite depressing as well, so I guess it just contributed to my lovely state of mind.

i hope you feel better soon hun
i saw on the 5fm website that technotribe are having a party soon maby head down there and have some fun fun fun
yeh i know i should call her but even though i still think of her i dont want to 'get involved' then all the mushy stuff comes back
becides knowing her she was eather drunk or recently made single casue thats the only time i hear from her but its usualy by email