"Practice is the best of all instructors." -- Publius Syrus, I most certainly agree, there are certain things I would much rather be practicing right now but alas there is no one that I desire that is available or in close proximity! Damn the frustration thank God for my trusted friend Sam (My purple vibrator).
" A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." - Henry Ford, that reminds me of Virgin Active.
Last night I went to see Debi for her birthday, I bought her a little Buddha meditation set which she absolutely loved, I love it when I give people something they really love. It makes my day.
I was flipping through my journal and I came across a poem that I wrote about someone who I once thought of as the love of my life, I am so glad that I am over that now!!
Anyway here is the damn poem
You are a gentle whisper of love
distant and intangible
yet ever present
I am reduced to a puddle of sorrow when you flow through me
You are lost yet you lurk somewhere beneath my skin
You are trapped inside me....yet I can't leave....
Just reading this reminds me of the pain I put myself through trying to let him go, it was awfull, I wrote this after I found out that he had gotten engaged.
" A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." - Henry Ford, that reminds me of Virgin Active.
Last night I went to see Debi for her birthday, I bought her a little Buddha meditation set which she absolutely loved, I love it when I give people something they really love. It makes my day.
I was flipping through my journal and I came across a poem that I wrote about someone who I once thought of as the love of my life, I am so glad that I am over that now!!
Anyway here is the damn poem
You are a gentle whisper of love
distant and intangible
yet ever present
I am reduced to a puddle of sorrow when you flow through me
You are lost yet you lurk somewhere beneath my skin
You are trapped inside me....yet I can't leave....
Just reading this reminds me of the pain I put myself through trying to let him go, it was awfull, I wrote this after I found out that he had gotten engaged.
but yeh i can relate, it sux sometimes
i need someone ealses palmela handerson for a change
hope you have a wonderfull weekend, i have to work tomorrow