OK so I read the first chapter of the PADI Scuba diving manual and had all sorts of adverturous dreams last night. One involved being pulled up an immensely high ladder (with a row of kids holding on to me in single file)that just extends into the sky and just stops mid air. I am very scared of heights so this was a very unpleasant dream. I am very excited about this trip even though I am going to be the only girl and it will be the first holiday/leisure and adventure thing that me and Anton do together which is always interesting and not to mention a litlle scary! We are going to be camping and quad biking, Yay!! I didn't see my baby last night so I am pining for him a little today, I know, I sound pathetic and love sick, it's fucken fantastic!!

I have SMSd you Sean's cell no. As far as I am aware, yeah, he is definitely still keen
Western Shoppe is where I got all my riding gear. They've got a great online catalogue with prices, & their store is just off Main Road, on the right hand side, as you're driving up towards Kyalami.