Oh God! His ex is being pathetic. She was going off about how someone like me who apparently has all these high morals is being a hypocrit as I am going out with her ex boyf and apparently that is wrong. I should sacrifice being with the man of my dreams in order to save the mediocre friendship I had with her even though she was the one who left him!!!!!! And I am the hypocrit, she's so self absorbed it makes me want to throttle her!!! Any way things with him are wonderful we had crazy animal sex last night and I am walking funny again. He is some where between an animal and a machine between the sheets, whatever he is I want his ass all the time!! I am still a little scared that she manipulates him because she plays that helpless little girl role with him and he's used to being almost the only paternal figure in her life. Besides that one concern everything between us is great, he's amazing and gentle and kind and he adores me! I am so in love

again you go girl
i agree with Xerxes maby set her up with some random bloke
butshe is been a cow if she broke up with him