Last night was a little hectic. This whole situation is so fricken complicated. We have to tell his ex that we are together because I am an old friend / close acquaintance of hers and I don't want to totally devestate her by letting her find out via the grapevine that me and Anton hooked up. That has happened to me and it really bites even when you are the one who decides to end it. The question is when, who and how? If I tell her in person will she go mad? Oh my God!! I am really happy to be with him but really sad to hurt her. I am also terrified that this whole situation blows up in my face and I get labelled the home wrecker when the truth is that I had nothing to do with their break up, nothing physical happened between the two of us until after she ended it even though we were both tempted and in situations where we probably could've gotten away with it.
i have never been threw something like that as you know
but i think the best thing to do is tell her yourself or the two of you tell her
ill put money on it that she will be hurt and angry but like you say she doesnt want
to hear it via the grapvine it wil be worse if she does
good luck hope it goes well