I feel like shit! My throat is sore and I have to write a fricken Communication Science analyses on a research report regarding the effectiveness of billboard advertising in semi urban & rural areas in South Africa! Sounds like fun hey?
I have been demoted to shooter girl at Sudada cos I apparently can't stay behind the bar all because of an incident where I took a beer (for myself)out of the fridge after stock take (as per usual )and the owner asked me if I had paid for it, instead of saying that we normally are allowed a beer after stock take I lied and said yes...Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I am a shocking liar, you can see straight through me. Anyway he didn't bring the incident up at the meeting but I was told I would make a better shooter girl because I like being on the floor and socializing. Great!! Now I am going to spend three hours peddling Jeiger and Tequila shots to dodgy business men who think they have the right to touch me, the money better be good!
Before work on Friday I am going to be at some place in the middle of Lonehill getting educated about " Kinky sex!" This ought to be interesting, not that I have anyone to practice on....Oh my greatness!! Why can't the universe deliver this damn mystery man, my fricken hormones can't take the celibacy thing anymore!!!
Any way cheers!
I feel like shit! My throat is sore and I have to write a fricken Communication Science analyses on a research report regarding the effectiveness of billboard advertising in semi urban & rural areas in South Africa! Sounds like fun hey?
I have been demoted to shooter girl at Sudada cos I apparently can't stay behind the bar all because of an incident where I took a beer (for myself)out of the fridge after stock take (as per usual )and the owner asked me if I had paid for it, instead of saying that we normally are allowed a beer after stock take I lied and said yes...Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I am a shocking liar, you can see straight through me. Anyway he didn't bring the incident up at the meeting but I was told I would make a better shooter girl because I like being on the floor and socializing. Great!! Now I am going to spend three hours peddling Jeiger and Tequila shots to dodgy business men who think they have the right to touch me, the money better be good!
Before work on Friday I am going to be at some place in the middle of Lonehill getting educated about " Kinky sex!" This ought to be interesting, not that I have anyone to practice on....Oh my greatness!! Why can't the universe deliver this damn mystery man, my fricken hormones can't take the celibacy thing anymore!!!
Any way cheers!

Seeing that she - Miss Azzura herself - hasn't yet uploaded any of her brand new portfolio pix, I thought I'd take the liberty of doing so on her behalf. I hope she doesn't get pissed at me...I just wanted you all to see how fucking hot this chick is!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing like a little Italian / Afrikaans eye candy on a Friday afternoon, huh
PS. A big thanks to the photographer, Sean, who was the creative genius on this shoot!!
PPS. I would really appreciate it if you all went & checked out my updated home page: Edge Models, & gave me your honest opinion on the overall look & feel of the site. It should be fully uploaded & functional by Monday. Thx!
Your pictures are awesome!