I am in London, I landed at Heathrow at 13:30 yesterday. Last night my brother, my cousin and his family went to a restaurant in upper street for dinner. We had a mixed grill, the meat in South Africa is definately much better and eating out is much more affordable, but seeing my cousin and his little two year old son Zion was awesome. After dinner my brother and I went to a Techno Marathon at a place called Dukes, The first DJ WE HEARD WAS REALLY BAD, EVERY MIX WAS A TOTAL DISASTER. It sounded like we were listing to Jungle instead of Techno. Anyway about an hour after him this Irish girl played and she kicked ass, it was great to see a chic rock the crowd, that is something you don't really see in South Africa.
Today my brother made some really good chicken,the little bastard can cook much better than me. We are off to Camdon later today and then to Wembley for the Depeche Mode Concert. I am so excited!!
After last night I can see myself living here, I would just need to find a good job here first and obviously this could only happen after I complete my masters.
I'll be back

Today my brother made some really good chicken,the little bastard can cook much better than me. We are off to Camdon later today and then to Wembley for the Depeche Mode Concert. I am so excited!!
After last night I can see myself living here, I would just need to find a good job here first and obviously this could only happen after I complete my masters.
I'll be back