i got my skinny puppy tickets for the house of blues show on the 1st of june. this is one of my long time, all time favorite bands. ive never seen them live b-4, outside live video footage. im so fucking excited. godfuckingdamn it! the bad news is i wont be home in time for staic-x(sigh). butt i have seen them b-4. true story about that show: i punched some asshole during the first band, broke my left hand cuz i punched hiselbow or knee or something, stomped him to the gruond with my big black size 12 Docs , sat thruogh 2 more bands plus static-x, went home showered then went to the dr.s.
and the thing,
resembleing a devil,
stared back at me,
cold and hollow.
Hells army,
the staggering dead,
drenched in a stench of rot,,
knelt at each side,
all at once,
andwithout warning,
they raised thier ugly heads.
all Hells wrath,
posed and ready,
this is how the ending
would begin.
and the thing,
resembleing a devil,
stared back at me,
cold and hollow.
Hells army,
the staggering dead,
drenched in a stench of rot,,
knelt at each side,
all at once,
andwithout warning,
they raised thier ugly heads.
all Hells wrath,
posed and ready,
this is how the ending
would begin.
hehe yeh ive been pumpin myself full of water.And bacon!!!yummo.got some vegimite into me too, vitamin b!!yummo.i still feel pretty shitty.i cannot fathom how i got in this state hehe.
I was...I'm in college now. Just finished my first year. Why do you ask?