This weeks blog homework from @missy and @rambo is about New Years resolutions
This year I want to work towards being more positive about things instead of always finding what's wrong. I've noticed lately that I find myself thinking the glass is always half empty instead of half full. Work is always so stressful and I feel like I stress way to much about the small things or what other people are doing or aren't doing. So this year I want to change my attitude and outlook on things
This year I always want to be more healthy and become more active I've already started eating healthy but I also want to start working out more then I do! I have been sick a lot lately and I think it had a lot to to with the stuff I was feeding my body so it's time to change my habits !
One more thing for the new year and that's more sg sets! I want to work on more sets and maybe go to a shootfest I've never been and I think it would be an amazing experience 😘
That's all for now! I'll try and keep up with the blogs and be more active on here! Don't forget to check out my newest set wonderland 😁
Thanks lovelies xoxoxox -azuredoll❤️