For this week's @BLOGHOMEWORK, we're asked what our first job was like.
I had a couple little jobs when I was younger, like babysitting and working at my parent's office. Babysitting was about what you'd expect, and I never really liked kids, but I was ok at it. My dad is an optometrist and my mother is is main secretary/bookkeeper, so work at the office was usually filing, cleaning with my grandmother, sorting frames and cases, and stuff like that. The job I had there for the longest was reading obituaries and then searching both digital and physical records to see if any of our patients died so that we could pull out their file and eventually delete them (you have to hold it for 10 years). I actually really liked that job, surprising I'm sure. Reading obituaries, rummaging through files, and being in the back listening to metal on my mp3 player was awesome. What I didn't like was my mom dragging me there without any real schedule, so I had a hard time making plans or fitting in me-time with the N64 or Xbox :P
My first job I had to have a resume for was working as a cashier at the local grocery store. I hated that job. Standing was hell on my feet and legs, scanning hurt my one wrist so badly I had to wear a brace all the time, and I was constantly in trouble for scanning too slow. There was a lot of gossipy fighting amongst the older women who worked there, which I avoided like the plague. Anyone who knows me knows that I am biologically incapable of bullshit, and I don't tolerate it very well either. I was pretty good at memorizing all the 4 digit numbers for produce, but occasionally they'd bring in something new or unusual or have things in the bulk section that didn't show up on the till search or would show up wrong. It was minimum wage with automatic raises after a certain amount of time, but it reset your time after a leave of absence, so with going to school I never got a raise in 3 years. I also was introduced to the best part of customer service: customers. The general public is usually neutral towards you with the rare awesome person and the all-to-common jerks. I had one guy yell at me for 15 minutes because my pentacle fell out of my shirt. Apparently pagans are of bad character and how dare they hire me. That was awesome. Plus all the other times I was screamed at or people pulled the "it didn't scan so it must be free" joke that everyone in retail is sick to death of hearing. Eventually, I moved to the city, and because the Union had decided that max hours for people without seniority was going to be capped at 15/week, I quit instead of transferring.
I've hated a lot of my jobs in my life, usually because of bad coworkers or abusive customers with no support in handling them. I've worked in the back of a second hand store, at a Halloween scare maze, and at a handmade ice cream place. My current work situation is the best I've ever had. My normal job at a movie theatre has great coworkers who are very supportive and accepting of me for all my differences. I love modelling and getting paid to express myself and create art with someone. I love escorting and making people just a little less lonely or feel accepted for their alternative sexuality. I couldn't ask for better, though of course I'd like to be working more!
Thanks to @MISSY, @RADEO, and @LYXZEN for another awesome topic
Any of my followers have interesting jobs they've had? Bad experiences with customers? Great experiences for a change?