Things you probally didn't know about me:
1. My middle name is Diane. Doesn't really matter unless you know what my first name really is.
2. I'm a Barbizon graduate. I was 14, blame it on hormones and puberty.
3. Underneath the crazy, peirced in strange places, loud, silly all the time, annoying, outgoing exterior I'm probally the cutest, nicest, most romantic, thoughtful, shy girl next door you'll ever meet. And I'm getting kind of tired of the scary exterior....
4. When I was little I didn't have any friends except for one 'friend' who would tell me to go home, i would, then I'd call her repetedly until she said I could be her friend again.
5. Most people don't remember their dreams. I remember an average of 2 per night. No wonder I dont want to get out of bed in the morning.
6. I'm scared to be home alone overnight. I lock all the door a dozen times, pull the blinds shut, turn on all the lights, try calling everyone and talking to them, walk back anf forth across the house checking everywhere for anything/anyone, and end up not getting much restful sleep.
7. I have a dead bug collection, and there was a time when I collected shopping bags from all the differnt stores.
8. RALPH is back!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so he's Ralph version 2.0 but whatever. HE'S BACK!!!!!!
If you don't know, don't worry, I'm sure you'll meet him sooner or later.
9. I dont know how to just be myself. Maybe I am and just dont know it. I'm confused.
10. One of my favorite love story movies is Cruel Intentions... most people disagree that it falls into that category.
The other favorite is a secret but ask and maybe I'll tell you sometime.
1. My middle name is Diane. Doesn't really matter unless you know what my first name really is.
2. I'm a Barbizon graduate. I was 14, blame it on hormones and puberty.
3. Underneath the crazy, peirced in strange places, loud, silly all the time, annoying, outgoing exterior I'm probally the cutest, nicest, most romantic, thoughtful, shy girl next door you'll ever meet. And I'm getting kind of tired of the scary exterior....
4. When I was little I didn't have any friends except for one 'friend' who would tell me to go home, i would, then I'd call her repetedly until she said I could be her friend again.
5. Most people don't remember their dreams. I remember an average of 2 per night. No wonder I dont want to get out of bed in the morning.
6. I'm scared to be home alone overnight. I lock all the door a dozen times, pull the blinds shut, turn on all the lights, try calling everyone and talking to them, walk back anf forth across the house checking everywhere for anything/anyone, and end up not getting much restful sleep.
7. I have a dead bug collection, and there was a time when I collected shopping bags from all the differnt stores.
8. RALPH is back!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so he's Ralph version 2.0 but whatever. HE'S BACK!!!!!!

9. I dont know how to just be myself. Maybe I am and just dont know it. I'm confused.
10. One of my favorite love story movies is Cruel Intentions... most people disagree that it falls into that category.
The other favorite is a secret but ask and maybe I'll tell you sometime.

I ralph when I eat too much... hehe.
Ever think that being the way you are isn't really being confused about who you are, but is actually the way you are
? And don't worry about the whole being alone at night thing... People like my friends and I are out there fighting for people like you so you can sleep well.