Profession vs PROfession
I’m in a bit of a conundrum, esoteric thought, thoughts of my wants and needs not only as an artist/photographer/selfrun business owner but also as a technician. Lots of things on my mind.
I support local arts, I put myself out there helping groups work for local charities, provide event services, often free to little cost (usually parking or a booth) to those offering fundraising and help distribute local artists for only enough to cover my costs of entry to an event or for web hosting. Really, I make no money doing what I do in the outside of work world, but I’m also no longer losing money doing it.
I’m looking at changing things. I’m fed up with my 9-5 to a point where it has stressed me to ulcers, sleepless nights, nightmares and a blood pressure level that is not healthy at all.
I want to be able to focus on what I love and who I love, art, artists, family and friends. Help my community, help those in need, help those without a voice and share ultimately my expression with not just the locals but the world.
How is this going to happen? How does one accomplish this?
Well, the thought on it currently is, I’m sitting on roughly 50 thousand images from my career, granted I would not consider them all a piece of art by fancier claims, but each one is a moment in time, captured, beautiful in itself.
I’m going to start selling prints from my adventures, travels, moments in my life, moments of happiness, moments of fear, moments. I hope this will provide what I need to get things going.
I do not want to quit a job, really that helps pay my bills, but I would like to make my art enough of a job so I can work where my heart is, not where my heart drops.
Anything anyone can suggest, do, even sharing a page could mean a new client, could mean a new model to work with, could mean another local artist I can help out, represent, getting us both out there into the world.
For my website, I am going to offer a link for link, as in, you have a link to my page, I put up a link to yours, (please, no pornography or illegal intents). I am also (scared here) looking at facebook ad campaigns.
I want to support local artists more, support local models, support local charity events more than I do already.
Once again, suggestions, thoughts, prayers, all appreciated.
Though, I appreciate if they come via message not comment, so I can review and also not see an unlikely amount of popups all day long but keep them clear and organized for my own mindsakes.
I thank you friends, family, loved ones, for observing my rant.