So! I thought I would actually be good and do some homework lol This weeks homework topic by @lyxzen and @rambo was "What is the geekiest thing about you?"
This is tough for me, I would consider myself some what of an eclectic style geek? I've never been one who was able to be put into a specific category of any kind. I've always been the kind of person who is willing to try anything once and I strive to be somewhat of a know it all, or as I like to call it "know a little of everything."
I know I have a really bad habit of sending WAAAY too many meme's to all of my friends and even get into an assortment of meme's battles and I absolutely love it!
I am obsessed with youtube fail videos and sadly have spent hours just watching the compilations lol
I collect a random assortment of "geeky" things.. IF IT HAS EARS ON THE HOOD, I MUST HAVE IT!!!
Old school gaming NES, N64 (shot glass Mario Party is always a good time... well... not always haha) to WoW and Starcraft and Diablo. But I am OBSESSED with Gears of War. I collect so many things from the special edition 360 all the way down to the comics, pajamas and underwear! I <3 my Marcus Fenix!
I have been obsessed with Dance Dance Revolution since I was a teenager and still prefer it over any of those new "Just Dance" games (Yes, that's my get off my lawn moment).
Vintage cameras of any sort that catch my eye and are just beautifully interesting... but I also love oddities like the little baby shark in a jar I have named Larry and wind up Nun-zilla that shoots sparks out of her mouth lol
I guess I'm no different than most of the amazing people on here, I have an abnormal obsession with manga, anime and I binge fantasy TV series and horror movies. I have a weird obsession with Zombies and sharks and even Zombie sharks if given the opportunity! lol
I love hiking and renaissance fairs and I go to classic gaming conventions and my favorite place in the city is the arcade which I will give ANYONE a run for their money at air hockey!
So I guess I can't really pin point the geekiest thing about me... I am just a bundle of all "geeky" things in one tiny person?