so yesterday phils family came over in the morning.. like 9am.. (phils mom and 3 of his 5 brothers..) and by ten his mom was sipping on a shot of vanilla rum in a cannabis shot glass that says smokin`! on it.. and i was having my morning cigarette. we hung out all day, went to the mall and stuff.. i splurged and got a sword set, all three irridecent rainbowy they are pretty.. its a short sword, long dagger and short dagger. it was wrapped with some nylon string but i rewrapped the handles with hemp instead.. and i already sewed leopard print on the case, when i finally get a camera you bet i`ll have a picture up of it, its beautiful.. i went swinging them around today.. attacked a chair... phil got 3 bat-a-rangs
hes such a batman. but uh.. oh yeah my story.. we ended up going downtown and i walked around downtown with my sword set slung on my back, and heather met up with us.. andi went and ran off with her while phil sent his family off (they had to go pick up the other two boys from work) and then they came back for dinner.. it was phils mom, her boyfriend, phils 5 brothers and me and phil. and i was all like "yah western sizzlin`" and i kept telling everyone we were going to western sizzlin`.. and when i finally got there, it was a golden corral. haha